

欢迎来到索莱伯里学校家庭与学校协会 (HSA)!  We’re happy you’re here and look forward to meeting you and your students. The HSA is the parent organization at 韦德娱乐app下载地址 and as parents/guardians of Solebury students, 你已经是会员了. 祝贺你! Our purpose is to establish a strong connection between and support for parents 和 School via a variety of initiatives such as:

  • 定期会议 open to the parent/guardian community. Meetings typically include updates on what's happening at Solebury, 特邀演讲嘉宾, 和一个开放的Q&A with Tom Wilschutz, Head of School
  • Grants to 教师 and student projects, directly benefiting the community.  HSA approved and funded the following 教师 requests last year:
    • 新的跟踪 & 现场电子定时系统
    • New MIG welding system for use by the welding class
    • Ice cream social for the entire community
  • 帮助 学校的活动 supported by HSA parent committees, including but not limited to theatrical productions, 体育活动, 老师欣赏, 和艺术节
  • Fundraising for the school community through our 拍卖, Solebury’s largest annual fundraising event.

We are proud of the values that make our school unique and invite you to take part in this supportive community as you navigate this next journey. We hope you can attend our meetings, in-person or virtually. 我们第一次见面 9月13日星期三 at 9:00am. You will receive more information and a link for virtual attendance closer to the date. As always, stay updated by checking the 学校的日历 and reading the Sunday Parent e-News.

Once again, a big WELCOME to you and your family to 韦德娱乐app下载地址 and all that it has to offer!



首页 & 学校官员

总统 - Leanne White P '24, ‘26: lwhite333@gmail.com
Vice 总统 - Erin Saltzman P'25: esaltzman5@gmail.com 
Treasurer - Rachel Emde '02 (韦德娱乐app下载地址 Assistant Director of Finance and Controller): remde@vrps.net
Secretary - Nichla Huggins P'26: nichla13@gmail.com 
Parent Relations Manager - Lisa Juris: ljuris@vrps.net

看来家里 & 校友会章程.

首页 & 学校活动

All parents are welcome at the following meetings and events for the 2023-24 school year.* All HSA meetings will be in person with the option of joining via Zoom. Links and reminders will be listed in the Parent eNews prior to each meeting. 如果可以,请加入我们! *Updated as of 7/28/23–check back for additions and changes as the summer progresses.  For a real-time look at the calendar with more detailed descriptions, 次, 和地点, 检查 在线日历
